
Media Advisory - Flying Drones at Goodwood

Aviation | Press Article 16/04/24

On 13th March 2019 new legislation regarding drone flight restrictions around airfields came into force.  The new legislation supersedes the drone flight restricted zones which were published in July 2018.

From this date drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV’s which includes model aircraft, are banned from flying within a Flight Restricted Zone around an airport or aerodrome. Therefore, flying drones in and around the Goodwood Estate and surrounding area must have permission before they are flown, as a Flight Restricted Zone is in place around Goodwood Aerodrome.

Anyone wishing to use a drone within this restricted airspace must apply to Goodwood Aerodrome, primarily Air Traffic Services, for permission. We recommend that you refer to the NATS checklist before you start completing the application form -


Seeking permission

Please remember that your application must be completed at least 24 hours before the flight is due to take place. Drones can only fly once your application has been assessed and permission has been granted. This will be done via e-mail.

If you are unsure and would like to find out more about flying drones in or around a Flight Restricted Zone, the Department for Transport and the Civil Aviation Authority have collaborated to create, a portal where UK drone users can easily access information on flying drones safely and legally -


Flying Drones at Goodwood – drone operators request form

Please complete this form to request permission to fly your drone within the Goodwood Flight Restricted Zone. Do remember that this must be submitted at least 24 hours before the proposed date of flying your drone.